As we explore, experience and discover, we grow together in 'life in all its fullness' DREAM BIG - AIM HIGH - ACHIEVE MORE

Contact Us

 Headteacher<br>Miss J L Alderson<br>BA (Hons) NPQH

Chair of Governors<br>Revd Canon Ian Wildey    


Miss J L Alderson

BA (Hons) NPQH

Chair of Governors

Revd Canon I Wildey


Mrs S Lee

Business Manager

Miss N Stalmach

Contact our School

If you have any queries regarding our school, please contact our office team (managed by Miss N Stalmach).


Myrtle Road



WF13 3AS


Tel: 01924 907082



About the School

School Type Voluntary Controlled Junior School
School Phase Primary 
Age Range 7-11
Ward Dewsbury West
Full-time Equivalent Teachers 22.0
Full-time Equivalent Non-teaching 25.7
Number on Roll 410
Capacity of School 432
Published Admission Number 108
Resourced Provision No



Ravensthorpe CE (VC) Junior School is a voluntary controlled school in the Anglican Diocese of Leeds.

Click on the logo to visit the Diocese of Leeds website.


What is a voluntary controlled school?

Voluntary controlled schools are state-funded schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in which a foundation or trust (usually a Christian denomination) has some formal influence in the running of the school. Controlled schools have less autonomy than voluntary aided schools, in which the foundation pays part of any building costs.

Voluntary controlled schools are 'maintained schools', meaning that they are funded by central government via the local authority and do not charge fees to students. 

The land and buildings are typically owned by a charitable foundation which also appoints about a quarter of the school governors. However, the local authority employs the school's staff and has primary responsibility for the school's admission arrangements.